I am proud of who I am

Friday, February 24, 2012

Becoming Alcoholic 02/22 by Kenneth Anderson | Blog Talk Radio

Becoming Alcoholic 02/22 by Kenneth Anderson | Blog Talk RadioI have already gotten ahold of my drinking, I haven't drank for 7yrs or more now? I used to drink every day for 34yrs. I don't know how I lost interest in the Alcohol. I just did it, DEB. Stop by & listen to help with Alcoholics anonymous on THere are so many shows that will HELP with this ADDICTION ISSUE.

02-23-12 Aliens in the News 02/23 by sherrytalkradio | Blog Talk Radio

Link They are talking about Jesus Christ our LORD & Savior things from the BIBLE. Stop by & LEARN about the END, we are surrounded by Enemies,satanic demons, we all need to build our strength to be ready to fight for Jesus Christ our Lord, HE IS STILL COMING!

THANKSGIVING BY Jo-anne De Jager Grobler Reposted from Facebook

Jo-anne De Jager Grobler 8:28am Feb 24

We return thanks to our mother, the earth,
which sustains us.
We return thanks to the rivers and streams,
which supply us with water.
We return thanks to all herbs,
which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases.
We return thanks to the moon and stars,
which have given to us their light when the sun was gone.
We return thanks to the sun,
that has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye.
Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit,
in Whom is embodied all goodness,
and Who directs all things for the good of Her children.
~ Iroquois

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cana Ixim

Cana Iximin the mayan language, this means "Lady of the corn"

"The head's name is 'Cana Ixim' in Mayan language (Lady of the Corn in English). The weight, about 4 pounds; Size, 9 centimeters (3.5 inches) width and 10 Centimeters (4 inches) Height. This head formed of green jade."

The person in Guatemala who held this skull recognized that he was not its guardian, but managed to save this sacred object, seeking "someone with a heart of love with good hands". It has a sacred history and several healing related anecdotes, so he believed that this crystal skull is meant to be with a healer rather than a collector.

The last guardian of this Mayan crystal skull kept it until his death at 85 years of age. The skull was originally found inside a cave that connects to the source of the river Sachichaj in a mountain about 100 miles from Peten, Guatemala (referred to as the Authentic Mayan land). The Sachichaj River (pictured below) possesses a beautiful characteristic in that it has a turquoise color, similar to the blue jade color of this crystal skull, Cana Ixim.

The following excerpt comes directly from a reliable source: "The person tell me that the history he listen from his father and he was hear from his antecessors was that a few days before the skull appears or was found it, in Guatemala was a big volcano eruption and a lot of people die, and the skull ( Cana Ixim ) appears to help and it won't let that never happen again. They use it the heal sick people, snake bites, help woman pregnant (the head was collocate in the stomach of the future mother), ceremony for planting (in Guatemala the indigenous celebrate ceremonies to bless their plantations for good harvest). The most shocking cases are an old lady that can't move her fingers because has it rigid and twisted ( I assume rheum ) - after the ceremony of healing she put hands on the skull she can move her fingers easily. A man that suddenly disappears a big mass (possible Tumor) in his stomach."

The Guatemalan keeper recognized that it is meant to do more good in the hands of a healer than it would gathering dust on a museum shelf where it would be regarded simply as an artifact rather than as a sacred tool.

Regarding its Mayan name "Cana ixim" ("Lady of the Corn" in English), it is interesting to note that corn was the sustenance and life-supporting force of the people. Corn represents the harvest of abundance, prosperity and plenty. It symbolizes female fertility and male virility.

Total Weight: 4 lbs.
Measurement: 3.5 inch W . 4 inch H (approx.)
Origin: Guatemala

Blue Jade

Click here for a large Resolution Phioto of Cana Ixim

Metaphysically, properties and benefits of Jade include:

Symbol of purity and serenity; signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility; centers on the heart chakra; increases love and nurturing; protective stone keeps the wearer from harm; believed to attract good luck and friendship; stabilizes the personality; integrates the mind with the body; dreamstone, brings insightful dreams; aids in emotional release, especially iritability; encourages you to become who you truly are, assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awakens hidden knowledge; cleansing stone, aids in elimination; assists fertility and childbirth; blue green jade symbolizes peace and reflection, brings inner serenity and patience, it is the stone for slow but steady progress, helps people who feel overwhelmed by situations beyond their control.

Cana Ixim

Metaphysically, properties and benefits of Jade include:

Symbol of purity and serenity; signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility; centers on the heart chakra; increases love and nurturing; protective stone keeps the wearer from harm; believed to attract good luck and friendship; stabilizes the personality; integrates the mind with the body; dreamstone, brings insightful dreams; aids in emotional release, especially iritability; encourages you to become who you truly are, assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awakens hidden knowledge; cleansing stone, aids in elimination; assists fertility and childbirth; blue green jade symbolizes peace and reflection, brings inner serenity and patience, it is the stone for slow but steady progress, helps people who feel overwhelmed by situations beyond their control.

Cana Ixim

Cana Ixim

Just for Today - February 24 - A New Influence

Just for Today - February 24 - A New InfluenceDON't Give up on returning to a new lifestyle full of FUN, Laughter & Joy, I have finally found it after 4 yrs of SOBER LIVING CHANGES that I have made to my LIFE. It's taken some HARD WORK, COUNSELING, recovery meetings & alot of SOUL Searching, GOD help & counseling & making friends in recovery to find my way back to LIVING, I AM SO BLESSED don't forget you can CHANGE your past, into a better FUTURE than you have ever had in your LIFETIME. DEBRA RINCON LOPEZ in Portland OREGON. That what I am enjoying right now in my life. GOD's Blessings & GRACE!!

The Crimson Circle Show - SOUL CHOICES 02/22 by awakeningzone5 | Blog Talk Radio

The Crimson Circle Show - SOUL CHOICES 02/22 by awakeningzone5 | Blog Talk Radio

Meditations for MOTHER EARTH

"Because woman lives so close to our first mother, the Earth, she emanates the strength and harmonious nature of all things."
--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
At an Elders gathering, held in July 1991, we were told the Indian woman would play an instrumental part in leading the healing of Indian nations. The old people said we were to look up to her in a sacred manner. They said the Earth Mother would give the woman special gifts of love. The woman and the Earth Mother are connected in a special way. Women should pay attention to the lessons coming from the earth. Men should treat the women with respect, dignity and honor.
Grandfather, Grandmother, give the Indian woman Your strength to heal our earth

Meditations for MOTHER EARTH

"Because woman lives so close to our first mother, the Earth, she emanates the strength and harmonious nature of all things."
--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
At an Elders gathering, held in July 1991, we were told the Indian woman would play an instrumental part in leading the healing of Indian nations. The old people said we were to look up to her in a sacred manner. They said the Earth Mother would give the woman special gifts of love. The woman and the Earth Mother are connected in a special way. Women should pay attention to the lessons coming from the earth. Men should treat the women with respect, dignity and honor.
Grandfather, Grandmother, give the Indian woman Your strength to heal our earth

Meditations for MOTHER EARTH

"Because woman lives so close to our first mother, the Earth, she emanates the strength and harmonious nature of all things."
--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
At an Elders gathering, held in July 1991, we were told the Indian woman would play an instrumental part in leading the healing of Indian nations. The old people said we were to look up to her in a sacred manner. They said the Earth Mother would give the woman special gifts of love. The woman and the Earth Mother are connected in a special way. Women should pay attention to the lessons coming from the earth. Men should treat the women with respect, dignity and honor.
Grandfather, Grandmother, give the Indian woman Your strength to heal our earth

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A nice quote by Thomas Kinkade

A nice quote by Thomas Kinkade“Rather than set aside daily time for prayer, I pray constantly and spontaneously about everything I encounter on a daily basis. When someone shares something with me, I'll often simply say, 'let's pray about this right now.'

A nice quote by Conan O'Brien

A nice quote by Conan O'Brien: Scientists announced that they have located the gene for alcoholism. Scientists say they found it at a party, talking way too loudly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I Have Been Noticing...

I Have Been Noticing...

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: John Lennon: Just Imagine

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: John Lennon: Just Imagine: Thirty-one years ago today John Lennon was tragically murdered in New York City after recently returning from a nearly four-year hiatus from...

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: Iron Eyes Cody

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: Iron Eyes Cody: Iron Eyes Cody was an American actor who was famous for his role in PSA's Keep America Beautiful commercial back in the 1970's (for which he...

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: Declaration of Tears / Trail of Independence

DREGstudios! The Artwork of Brandt Hardin: Declaration of Tears / Trail of Independence: In the autumn of 2006, I had taken a job in Hopkinsville, a very small town in Southern Kentucky which lies along the route of The Trail of ...

Country Pleasures: Old Fashioned Valentines Swap

Country Pleasures: Old Fashioned Valentines Swap: As the snow flys, and the coffee brews, I'm thinking ahead to February and the month of love! For it's time for my annual o...

Oglala Sioux Tribe Sues Beer Companies for $5M - JohnsAddiction

Oglala Sioux Tribe Sues Beer Companies for $5M - JohnsAddictionTHEY Should be SUED, that's the only thing that makes people listen!WHen you hit them in their pockets! It's a fact that Native American people have a harder time fighting alcoholism, because of the makeup of our genes. We haven't had alcohol in our Ancestry like alot of European counterparts have? So we cannot fight the ravages of Alcohol like they can. They had alcohol in their COUNTRIE'S for many Generations in their past. We should be commended for trying to combat this horendous ADDICTIVE thing in our NATIVE COMMUNITIES. I hope that they win this LAW SUIT then & maybe then they can get a handle on Alcoholism in SIOUX COUNTRY now & in the FUTURE.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spirituality is Universal

Spirituality is UniversalSpirituality lies at the heart of every person

A small circle of men listened attentively as their counsellor at a mission in St. Paul announced their assignment. Their faces might have belonged to anyone–professionals with post-graduate degrees or homeless individuals who constantly struggle. But they were late-stage, chronic alcoholics, the kind who huddle beneath city bridges in the December cold or who simply revolve through local detox centers and shelters. All were searching for a reason to hope.

A week earlier, the counsellor had asked each of them to write a prayer. Everyone managed to come up with something, except one. The counsellor asked if he had written something, and the man shook his head and stared dismally at the floor. Years on the street immersed in alcohol and gloom had left him isolated, estranged from everyone, especially a divine power.

Days later, after hours of talking, listening and searching, the group assembled again and the counsellor asked the man if he brought his prayer. “Yes,” he said, to everyone’s surprise. He then recited his prayer:

“Whoever made me, keep me safe.”

It was a powerful prayer, strong in its simplicity and in what it revealed about the person who said it. It confirmed that at the core of every human being burns a spirit searching for healing and connection with a source of strength and goodness beyond ones self.

Most chemical dependency treatment programs support the belief that recovery from addiction involves making peace with one’s spiritual self. Yet spirituality is an illusive term, essential for becoming whole and human, though extremely difficult to define. The spirit is a vital element of our humanity. Spirit translated from the Latin word spiritus refers to breath. It is basic to human kind.

Spirituality could be called the essence that moves us toward a sense of connectedness with the universe or God, with others, and with our self. Framed as questions, a spiritual journey would ask: Where do I find meaning and purpose in life? How do I bond with others? Who am I?

Treatment professionals have long known that chemical dependency affects every part of a person–physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

“The addiction-recovery process is a paradigm of what spirituality is all about,” said Damian McElrath, a spiritual care specialist. “The addictive personality wages warfare against our true selves. As our good self struggles and succumbs, the addictive self emerges victorious. Recovery is the dying of the addictive self and the development of a new or revitalized human spirit.”

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous help recovering persons let go of their addictive selves. The program recognizes the spiritual task as cultivating relationships through simplicity, honesty, trust and humility.

It is with spirit that we find strength and identity through community and fellowship with others. We discover power that comes from something larger than our self. We feel a source of wisdom that can guide us as we grow and change.

A spirituality for today could be called a spirituality or companionship–friend accompanying friend, helping, sharing, daring, celebrating, grieving. It invites the deepest forms of human healing. It shatters our illusions of having it “all together,” of having control or attaining personal perfection. A spirituality for today says that upon discovering our unique nature, we also find that we are one.

Perhaps when the holiday festivities are over, when the last note has been sung and the last candle burned, the message remaining is as simple as the homeless mans six-word prayer. It is a message of simplicity and humility. To be humble means to be in touch with the earth and all who inhabit it–to be reconciled and made whole.

Monday, February 6, 2012


ShareScripture Reading: Genesis 11:1-9
Utterly amazed, they asked: “… How is it that each of us hears them in our native language?”
Acts 2:7-8
When we work cross-culturally, language differences can become a barrier to communication. We miss a word’s nuance, or we struggle with an expression that is difficult to translate. I once spent much of a day reassuring an international colleague that we would “figure out” a particular ministry challenge—only to discover at the end of the day that he didn’t have a clue what that expression meant.
Yet in spite of linguistic differences, I find that as I meet Christians from other cultures, we have an understanding of each other that transcends our challenges with language. Why? Because we understand the one Word that transcends all words—the Word made flesh in Jesus Christ. In our common relationship with Jesus Christ, we are drawn into a relationship of love and understanding that breaks down walls of misunderstanding that language barriers so often create.
The division at Babel was undone at Pentecost. Now, all peoples hear the same gospel, and they are better able to understand each other.
Whom in your community is God nudging you to reach with the gospel? Perhaps language difference makes you hesitate. Practice your own Pentecost as you reach out with the good news.
Lord, we crave community, yet we find it so hard to establish. Help us to receive it as part of your wonderful Pentecost gift, by which we are woven together into a fellowship of grace in Christ. Amen.
Bob Heerspink



Rick Santorum to President Obama, ‘We’re Not That Stupid’

Rick Santorum to President Obama, ‘We’re Not That Stupid’: GOLDEN, Colo. — Rick Santorum laid down the gauntlet here, pledging to campaign every day on the controversial regulation by the Department of Health and Human Services requiring Catholic hospitals and universities to provide contraception and the morning after pill if the Obama administration does...

HE is more interested in a demonstration

What good is it, dear brothers & sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say,"Good-bye and have a good day: stay warm and eat well"---but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do: So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. James 2:14-17 NLT Prayer--I pray Father God that I would be a doer and not just a hearer. I pray Father that I would walk worthy of you and that like Jesus I would go about doing good to all. Help me to remember that faith is an action word resulting in good deeds. In Jesus Name, Amen

AS WE UNDERSTAND HIM-1day at a time

MEDITATIONS for Christians by CHERYL Outman. I have been studying the wonderful book made by CHERYL for a few years now. It has helped me immensely. I hope that you can find Hope, trust, Love & JOY in RECOVERY as we both have. GOD BLESS Us all for he is our Creator. AMEN to all who love him.

Books of the Bible: List of Books of the Bible - Printable List of Bible Books

Books of the Bible: List of Books of the Bible - Printable List of Bible Books

Praise To The One

Link A Loving SONG for JESUS CHRIST, our Lord & savior in Heaven above. AMEN to all, DEB.

THE LORD IS THE KEY that is the ONLY WAY! Amen to us all for He is GOD.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified -



Thursday, February 2, 2012

Exeter Medical Center: Sports Injury Clinic

Exeter Medical Center: Sports Injury Clinic: The Sports Injury Clinic is dedicated to the preventation, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries and musculoskeletal...

NATIVE AMERICAN LORE Blackfeet/Piegan/Sioux By Treebearbear

Native American Lore
One spring day Coyote and Fox were out
for a walk, and when they came to a big
smooth rock, Coyote threw his blanket
over it and they sat down to rest. After
a while the Sun became very hot, and
Coyote decided he no longer needed the

"Here, brother," he said to the rock,
"I give you my blanket because you are
poor and have let me rest on you.
Always keep it."

Then Coyote and Fox went on their way.
They had not gone far when a heavy
cloud covered the sky. Lightning
flashed and thunder rumbled and rain
began to fall. The only shelter they
could find was in a coulee, and
Coyote said to Fox, "Run back to that
rock, and ask him to lend us the
blanket I gave him. We can cover
ourselves with it and keep dry."

So Fox ran back to the rock, and
said, "Coyote wants his blanket."

"No," replied the rock. "He gave it
to me as a present. I shall keep it.
Tell him he cannot have it."

Fox returned to Coyote and told him
what the rock had said.

"Well," said Coyote, "that certainly
is an ungrateful rock. I only wanted
the use of the blanket for a little
while until the rain stops." He grew
very angry and went back to the rock
and snatched the blanket off.
"I need this to keep me dry," he said.
"You don't need a blanket. You have
been out in the rain and snow all
your life, and it won't hurt you to
live so always."

Coyote and Fox kept dry under the
blanket until the rain stopped and
the sun came out again. Then they left
the coulee and resumed their walk
toward the river. After a while they
heard a loud noise behind them coming
from the other side of the hill.

"Fox, little brother," said Coyote,
"go back and see what is making that

Fox went to the top of the hill, and
then came hurrying back as fast as he
could. "Run! run!" he shouted, "that
big rock is coming."

Coyote looked back and saw the rock
roll over the top of the hill and
start rushing down upon them.

Fox jumped into a badger hole, but the
rock mashed the tip of his tail, and
that is why Fox's tail is white to
this day.

Meanwhile Coyote had raced down the
hill and jumped into the river. He
swam across to the other side where
he was sure that he was safe because
he knew that rocks sink in water. But
when the rock splashed into the river
it began swimming, and Coyote fled
toward the nearest woods. As soon as he
was deep in the timber, he lay down to
rest, but he had scarcely stretched
himself out when he heard trees crashing.
Knowing that the rock was still pursuing
him, Coyote jumped up and ran out on
the open prairie.

Some bears were crossing there, and
Coyote called upon them for help.
"We'll save you," the bears shouted,
but the rock came rolling upon them
and crushed the bears.

About this time Coyote saw several bull
buffalo. "Oh, my brothers," he called
to them, "help me, help me. Stop that
rock." The buffalo put their heads
down and rushed upon the rock, but it
broke their skulls and kept rolling.

Then a nest of rattlesnakes came to
help Coyote by forming themselves
into a lariat, but when they tried to
catch the rock, the rattlesnakes at
the noose end were all cut to pieces.

Coyote kept running along a pathway,
but the rock was now very close to him,
so close that it began to knock
against his heels.

Just as he was about to give up, he
saw two witches standing on opposite
sides of the path. They had stone
hatchets in their hands.

"We'll save you," they called out.
He ran between them, with the rock
following close behind. Coyote heard
the witches strike the rock with their
hatchets, and when he turned to look
he saw it lying on the ground all
shattered into tiny pieces.

Then Coyote noticed that the path had
led him into a large camp. When he
sat down to catch his breath, he
overheard one of the witches say to
the other: "He looks nice and fat.
We'll have something good for dinner
now. Let's eat him right away."

Coyote Pretended he had heard
nothing, but he watched the witches
through one of his half-closed eyes
until they went into their lodge and
began rattling their cooking utensils.
Then he jumped up and emptied all
their water pails.

As soon as they came outside again,
he said, "I am very thirsty. I wish
you would give me a good drink of

"There is plenty of water here," one
of the witches replied. "You may have
a drink from one of these pails."
But when she looked in the pails she
found that every one was empty.

"That creek down there has water in
it," Coyote said. "I'll go and get
some water for you."

He took the pails and started off,
but as soon as he was out of sight
he ran away as fast as his legs
could carry him.

Afterwards he heard that when the old
witches discovered that he had
tricked them, they began blaming each
other for letting him escape. They
quarrelled and quarrelled, and fought
and fought, Until finally they killed
each other.

Native America...Second Envasion 10/12 by Native Enit | Blog Talk Radio

Link COME BY & join in the discussion on Native ENIT, Native OK!

Girlfriends In God

Girlfriends In GodToday’s Truth
Colossians 3:13 “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Friend to Friend
I promised myself that I would never buy a house that could be described as a “fixer-upper.” I don’t like fixing things. I want everything to be fixed before I move in. But there I was -- buying a town house that needed so much work even the realtor couldn’t believe my husband and I wanted to buy it. Why didn’t someone stop me? No one did, so the sale was made and we went to work. Actually, my son and husband went to work while I went crazy.

I had no idea how horrible the process of remodeling could be. Layer after layer of dirt, grime, stains and ugliness was stripped away. Rotten kitchen cabinets were torn from the walls and rusty appliances were replaced. We basically gutted the whole place and rebuilt it – while living in it. I was not happy!

I will never forget the day I woke up to see a toilet sitting at the foot of our bed. It was at that moment I resolved to never set foot in another house that required so much work. I am so thankful God does not feel that way about me.

Honestly, I used to wonder why God didn’t just demolish the old me and build a new one. Then He did just that – through a two-year battle with clinical depression. While sitting at the bottom of that deep, dark and slimy pit, the Father lovingly stripped away old fears and insecurities. From the walls of my heart, He tore the rotten attitudes, undisciplined thoughts and unholy desires that had walked me to the edge of my pit; then pushed me in. He replaced rusty old dreams with new ones and basically, gutted my life to build a new one, a better one, and a stronger one. Part of that new life was forgiveness. God taught me how to forgive myself so I could then forgive others.

Because forgiveness is so important, it only stands to reason that there are roadblocks that can hinder our willingness to forgive. We must make the commitment to identify and remove each one.

Selfishness shouts, “I have been hurt! It is so unfair. I have rights!” What I am really saying is that how I feel about the hurt is more important than forgiving the hurt.

Pride cries, “Look at what they have done to me. Don’t they realize who I am?” To receive or give forgiveness requires humility.

Low self-esteem
Some of us have built an entire identity around a hurt. The attention we gain from the wrong we have suffered defines who we are. It is something we cherish and refuse to relinquish for the sake of forgiveness.

We may be blind to the fact that we have not forgiven a hurt. We have convinced ourselves that we really have forgiven the one who hurt us by going through the motions and saying the right words without really dealing with the pain. In reality, all we have done is dig a hole and bury the pain. As long as hurt is buried alive, it will keep resurrecting itself in our life, but when the hurt is dealt with and forgiveness is given, the pain is buried dead – and it stays dead.

Forgiveness is spiritual surgery. It exposes old hurts that have never completely healed. We can move, change jobs, change churches, change friends or even change families, but until we yank up the root of bitterness and cover it with forgiveness, we will live with unresolved pain.

Maybe we don’t know how to forgive someone because are under the impression that forgiveness is an emotion or feeling. True forgiveness is a choice – a deliberate choice to release the person who has hurt us from the pain they have caused. We can stop forgiving others when God stops forgiving us.

We need to identify and eliminate the roadblocks to forgiveness so God can set us free, heal our pain and make us more like Him. Now that is a remodeling job I would welcome.

Let’s Pray
Father, I praise You for the changes You have made in my life through the power of Your forgiveness. Please help me forgive the people who have hurt me just as You have forgiven me.
In Jesus’ name,

Now it’s Your Turn
Emotional pain can cripple our lives unless we deal with it and forgive the hurt. A family member has wounded you and shows no sign of remorse. Maybe a friend has betrayed you and refuses to apologize. Or you may be struggling to forgive yourself because you don’t think you deserve to be forgiven. None of us deserves forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift from God. Today is the day to make the choice to forgive. Beside each statement below, write the name of someone in your life who needs your forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not limited to those who deserve it. ______________________________
Forgiveness is not limited to those who apologize. ______________________________
Forgiveness is not limited to those who change. ________________________________

Read and memorize 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

More from the Girlfriends
God is the One who heals. Forgiveness puts us in the correct posture for Him to do so. Don’t wait another minute to deal with the issue of forgiveness in your life. Know that we are praying for you and standing with you as you choose forgiveness

Girlfriends In God

Girlfriends In God

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rihanna - You Da One (Rock-It! Scientists Remix) by

Rihanna - You Da One (Rock-It! Scientists Remix) by


ShareLord, you are doing great things in the world. Open our eyes to see. Catch us up into your marvelous work of calling the nations to Christ. Amen.

