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Monday, February 6, 2012

Rick Santorum to President Obama, ‘We’re Not That Stupid’

Rick Santorum to President Obama, ‘We’re Not That Stupid’: GOLDEN, Colo. — Rick Santorum laid down the gauntlet here, pledging to campaign every day on the controversial regulation by the Department of Health and Human Services requiring Catholic hospitals and universities to provide contraception and the morning after pill if the Obama administration does...

1 comment:

  1. Does Rick Santorum think that the Prez doesn't have more important issues than numerous people making dumb accusations on a daily basis, blaming him for everything wrong in the USA. He not responsible for every little thing here, Now he's not been in office long enough to blame all the problems in USA on him. GO BLAME the REAL CULPRIT your own Senators & GOVT, OKAY!!!
